Before I began to wear a pair of glasses in 1999, I simply thought that everyone saw just exactly what I saw. I thought it was normal not to see the board from the back of the classroom. I thought it was normal to sit close to the Television set. I thought it was normal to have to almost “enter a book” in order to read it.

Then it all changed one day. I saw something different- the details were clearer, the colours were brighter and the dullness had disappeared.

Wow! So this is what everyone had been enjoying while I thought in my ignorance that we were all the same.

Some people think that certain things are just normal- drugs, illicit sexual affairs, sicknesses, poverty, drinking etc. (Add yours).

Some people think being frustrated and enduring marriage is normal. Some people believe that anyone that shows love to them have ulterior motives because they believe “nothing goes for nothing”

But have you tried on a pair of glasses to see things differently?

There is a new flame that knowing Jesus brings into a man’s life. Like the Samaritan woman, you can come to Jesus with a bucket but leave with a well within you. He gives more than you ask for.

Like the leper, you cannot remember the last time you had a compassionate touch from anyone but here you are not just touched but healed by His love.

I tried Jesus. I realised that sin should not have dominion over me.

I tried Jesus. I realised that I can forgive no matter what the issue was- starting with forgiving myself.

I tried Jesus. I realised that studying the Bible, going to Church and prayer does not have to be a boring religious routine.

I tried Jesus. I realised that marriage can be sweet and not a burden.

I tried Jesus. I realised that I can leave all to serve Him and yet make perfect sense.

I tried Jesus. I realised that my location is immaterial. I can impact my world from where I am.

I tried Jesus. I realised that my burdens can be my opportunity to worship, serve and give.

I tried Jesus. I realised that storms may come but I can declare “Peace. Be Still”.

I tried Jesus. I realised that I can be pure, pursue excellence and live on purpose.

What situation are you in? Why don’t you try Jesus. Could that be your own pair of glasses for seeing things differently?

Would you share with me your own “I tried Jesus” Experience?

There is love in sharing

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