The Snacks and Poor Quality (Lessons on the Blessing of a Good Name)

One of my daughters began the business of making snacks for sales. It was exciting to see her learn to make the snack in a better way.

One morning, I was attracted to the doughnut and decided to buy some. I discovered that it was not thoroughly cooked inside. I immediately told her and warned her not to deliver anything that has poor quality or that will be the end of a business that is just starting. It is better to take the loss than lose the future.

One of the lessons that I learnt from a Professor years ago is that “You may never have a second chance to make a first impression”. If you are in the business space, you need to take this seriously.

Have you ever gotten a product or service before that you really loved? What did you do? You recommended it to your circle of friends. Many buy a product because someone recommended it. As a matter of fact, people are likely going to ask for recommendations before buying something they have not used before.

In the same vein, what happens when you are disappointed with a product or a service? You will also tell your circle of friends who will also tell others who will tell others.

Great quality is attractive. Poor quality repels. It is better to invest in producing great quality than repairing that damaged reputation of one poor outing. You may make an immediate gain when you package poor services but the ripple effect will cripple your enterprise.

Trust is hard to gain but it is harder to regain when it is lost. There are people, organizations, countries and products that once you hear that name, the first thing that comes to your mind is trusted quality but unfortunately, there are some that you know are only going to last you for a season.

Do not make a profit at the expense of your future. A bad seed will bring forth bad fruit. Pay the price to offer quality always.

How did the Proverbs put it? A good name [earned by honourable behaviour, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favour is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 22:1 AMP

A good name carries immense goodwill. May you, your ministry, your business and your products enjoy the blessing of a good name. Amen.

There is love in sharing

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