The police officers were ready to play the delay game. I stood by the car while they went away with my car particulars. They reasoned I was not going to “rub their palm”.

After a delay of about 30 minutes, I walked up to the most ranking officer and said to him, “There are two reasons why I would not give you anything sir. First, I am a Pastor. Second, I am a lawyer. These are meant to be noble professions”. Well! I got my papers back without argument.

On the journey of life, we will get into moments of crisis and there are two things you must never forget in such seasons.

First, do not forget your identity. You are of God. You are “Sandra of God”. You are “Felix of God”. You are of God. Crisis comes to question our identity- “Jesus I know, Paul I know, Who are you?”

Do not try to hide or change identity in the midst of crisis. Your identity can save you. Ahab still died even though he disguised in the battle. It was a random arrow that pierced his ribs.

No matter what anyone thought, the scarlet line must not leave the window of Rahab. The opinion of anyone was irrelevant. It was a token of a covenant. It was an identity.

The screams of Goliath must not make you appear in Saul’s armour. It is not your identity. Pressure must not make you change your identity in Christ. Your shepherd’s bag and sling are actually enough.

The second thing you must do in a crisis is to speak from your identity. Do not speak like your condition. Speak from your position and identity. King Jehoshaphat would have died in kingly robes if he did not scream out. They recognised that he was not the one they sought.

It is alright to be quiet when you are finding God’s will in a matter. But once you find it, you must begin to speak it. You must declare it. There is a time to be quiet. There is a time to speak.

Jesus knew that there is a time to be calm and write on the floor thoughtfully but there is a time to stand and speak to all accusers. Do not just speak about the crisis, speak to the crisis.

You will have what you say. Speak till your heart believes it. Speak! That is what will get you out of that crisis. Speak! That is what makes the mountains quake and move.

Speak to your mind to focus on God and your identity in Him. Do not just think about the challenge. Speak to the challenge. The crisis must not change your identity. Challenges must not steal your voice.

Goliath can’t speak for 40 straight days and all you do is listen. Your fear will build. Shut him out. Walk by the stream. Pull out five smooth stones. He must not have the final say. Use one of the stones to shut him up permanently.

David spoke before Goliath was killed. The others got back their voice only after Goliath died. David spoke to Goliath. Others spoke about Goliath. Speak the Word in the midst of the crisis and you will see the end of it. If you wait for the end before you speak to it, you may never see the end of it. Selah!

There is love in sharing

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