Each day I made it a point of duty to say words of blessing over my household both in private and after our devotions. The day Danielle knelt in front of me without being told made me know the weight of what I have been doing.

Dear Father, make it a point of duty to bless your spouse and your seeds. The presence of a Father is essential. Never be too busy to speak the word of blessing over them.

David showed us that it was a part of the major assignment of a Father. After the ark of the covenant was placed in the City of David and David had played his kingly duties, he returned home to bless his family.

“When David returned home to bless his own family…!”
2 Samuel 6:20 NLT

Dear Fathers, do not just come back home daily with the pressure from work. Do not just return home with the pressure of bills. Return with the power of a priest with a mouth to bless your home. No matter how the day has been, what should flow out of your mouth to your spouse and your seeds is a Word of blessing.

Never allow contrary things to flow out of your mouth. Rachael was dying as she gave birth to her second boy, she said that he should be called Benoni (this was due to the pain she was going through). Benoni means “Son of my Sorrow”. The Father, Jacob, knew that you do not name a seed emotionally and out of pains and sorrows. A seed is called according to their destiny. He changed the name to Benjamin which means the “Son of my Right Hand”. (Gen. 35:16-20)

The blessing of a Father can set seed on the path of destiny. The blessing of a Father can reverse a grave condition. The blessing of a father can preserve amid storms.

Fathers, the blessing of your home is critical. You cannot delegate it. Your seeds are your arrows. Pull them out of the quiver. Place them in your bow. Take a prophetic posture. Determine where you want them to end and release them by the power of the blessing.

God bless Fathers!

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