In my very first year of ministry, I got an invitation to preach at a youth convention. I went for the meeting and began to sound like a foreign preacher. I wanted to do all that was possible to impress my host. I do not remember what I preached about to date, but I can never forget how childish that seemed years later.
About three years later, I was invited to the same city and church. The bigger church had planted another branch. When I finished speaking, one of the older youths walked up to me and said, “You have really grown now. I was blessed”. I knew what he meant. He was at that meeting three years earlier. He was one of the youth leaders. I smiled.
Beloved, you must have faith in the caller and the calling. However, you cannot joke with building faith in the ‘called.’ The called must be confident also. There are called men who are not confident.
When you do not have faith in the called, you will want to copy others. You will be caught in the trap of comparison. You will lose the originality of your person. Those who compare themselves to themselves are not wise.
When you do not have faith in the called, you will start seeking validation from others. What does that mean? You want to hobnob with trending ministers since you believe being seen with them will make people see you in a special light. You will become a ministry hustler.
When you do not have faith in the called, you are likely to jump at every invitation to preach. Honorarium will become your opium for ministry instead of your faith in God, who called you. You will be worried if invitations are not coming.
When you do not have faith in the called, you will do all you can to impress people, even if it is to exaggerate and package lies. Social media impressions will take over the direction of the Holy Spirit. You would be more concerned about public image than private consecration.
It is the King Saul syndrome. He was always afraid of the men he was meant to lead. His insecurity showed at such vulnerable moments:
“What have you done?” asked Samuel. Saul replied, “When I saw that the men were scattering and that you did not come at the set time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Mikmash, I thought, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lord’s favor.’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.”
1 Samuel 13:11-12 NIV
What did Prophet Samuel say to King Saul?
“You have done a foolish thing…”1 Samuel 13:13 NIV
If you are called, have faith in the caller. There is a reason why God called you. Have faith in the caller. Have faith in the calling and have faith in yourself as the called. Stay focused. Stop trying to please men or impress people. You have a sound that your world needs. Do not deny them or lose them by trying to become someone else.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa