We were travelling by air and it was raining just at the point of landing. It was a bit turbulent as we descended. I told my brother by my side that, “Can you imagine that we trust the pilot to get us to the ground safely even when we cannot see him?” He got the message. No one was running around. Although you can the tension in the faces of some.

In tough times, you need to trust God even when you cannot see Him. If you are not the pilot of your own life, you need to rest in the massive hands of the Lord. If you know that you did not bring yourself this far, then you should rest in the one who has brought you this far.

The challenge comes when you think you can actually take over the driver’s seat and get yourself a safe landing. What’s my point here? You do what you are meant to do. Let God do what only He can do.

Worry wants you to hijack the wheels from God when you are meant to trust Him. Trust means “active obedience”. Trust is not just sitting down and looking. Trust means you follow every instruction in the middle of the crisis even when it seems not to make any sense.

Worry would hint to you that Moab is better than Bethlehem. It will make you hustle without the hand of the Lord. If worry hijacks the wheel, it can hinder the will of God. Refuse it.

How do I refuse to worry?

First, know that God is not harassed by your cares. Trust Him.

Second, stay in worship. It helps your heart to focus on how great the Lord is and not how huge the challenges are.

Hear the words of Peter:

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honour. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:6‭-‬7 NLT

One way to humble yourself before the Lord is by giving your worries and cares to Him. It simply means that handling it yourself by worrying is pride. Let God handle it.

There is love in sharing

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