Just some months before my service year, I told God that it was going to be a year that I spend in communing with Him.
I would pray and listen while I build capacity for the things He has laid on my heart. At the same time, I was to trust Him for what He would have me do.
I was serious with this during the days of orientation and some weeks into service year.
Then, all of it began to slip away. I still prayed. I still studied but I was not doing His will- the plans and purposes He had laid on my heart.
It was 3 months to the end of service year that I woke up to His purpose. Those 12 weeks were the best:
I invested in teaching teens. I started out a vision called TOUCH. I finished writing a book.
First, what is it that you told God that you would do? Have you forgotten or you are simply carried away? We do not slip into purpose. We slip away from it.
Second, communion with God is the power source that connects us to our eternal purpose as kings and priests. Intimacy must produce fruits. If we do not see the fruits, we doubt if there is intimacy.
Third, never let the devil tell you it is too late and never let him tell you to wait till you have ‘made enough money’. We do not set times and seasons. Who knows when your time will end here?
The heartbeat of God is not about how much is in your account. Rather, it is about whether you lived out His purpose and will for your life.
Finally, doing the things God would have you do is what brings you into significance.
What did you tell God you will do? What has God told you to do?
When will you do it?
Do not get carried away. Obedience must both be prompt (on time) and complete.