I was in a meeting a while ago when the Lord reminded me of something that happened about 4 years earlier: I had an appointment with my spiritual father.

I just wanted to drop a gift in his office a day earlier when he told me to come back the next day. God had a plan.

The next morning, I was there pretty early. When he came in and we had exchanged pleasantries. He said to me, “Son, I am just coming from a three day retreat and you are the first person I am seeing. Let me pray for you”.

God reminded me of that moment and asked me, “What have you done with that impartation?” I began what Paul told Timothy to do from then on.

“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” 2 Timothy 1:6 NLT

Beloved, what accumulated potentials do you have that have been left uncultivated and not used?

You do not have to go far- What has happened to all the laying of hands you got in church and meetings? Do you even pay attention to words spoken over you? How about the notes written in conferences and services? Do you revisit them? Your next major idea may have been laying low for the past five years in that abandoned sermon note.

Do you know what to fight for? Do you know what to fan into flames? Those words will hang until it is translated through your attention and intention to cultivate it into visible potentials.

Your laziness in cultivating and stirring the gift of God in you will make you reach the erroneous conclusion that prayer does not work.

Paul again told Timothy: “Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you.”
1 Timothy 4:14 NLT

Negligence in spiritual affairs has costly consequences.

When hands were laid on you and words spoken over you, it is potential stored up. You have an assignment to then stir it in prayer, meditation, diligent study, obedience to divine prompts and diligent execution of all given tasks. It will translate into something that your world cannot resist.

Partnership: The Lagos Word and Prayer Feast was a major time of encounter! God bless everyone who give to support all we do. Would you love to partner with us to do more? Visit- www.temiloluwaola.com/partneronline

God bless you.

There is love in sharing

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