Some few months into the launch of the work of ministry in Eruwa, a very close friend of mine sent me an application for a Youth Development Programme in the United States. It was to run for some months. I appreciated the kind gesture but I was forced to ask, “Who will pastor the church when I am away?” We both could not answer.
If the Lord has given you an assignment, stay with it when it does not look attractive so you will know where you are coming from when you begin to look attractive and people begin to celebrate you and the work.
Planting seasons are not like harvest seasons. No one calls a party for planting season. It is a time of work and commitment. It is a time of pursuit with passion. It is the time when you must fight distractions no matter how good it is.
In planting season, you are awake early to face the work. You tend the land ensuring that weeds have no space.
If Nehemiah abandoned the work because of the invitations he got, the wall would never have been completed and he would not have become the governor. There would have been nothing to govern.
Jesus showed us the importance of staying on course:
He began at age 12 with a serious tone of commitment saying, “Don’t you know I would be about my father’s business?”
Even when on the work, tiredness and hunger did not stop him from reaching out to the Samaritan Woman. What was his drive?
He said, “My meat is to do the will of He that has sent me and to finish the work”.
Jesus showed us how to stay focused. We must do the same.
And at the end, he could boldly say:
I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
John 17:4-5 NKJV
That decision you are making now, would it glorify God? If it glorifies the flesh, your friends and even your family but removes God from the equation, it is a huge distraction.