We were running late from a meeting with my Spiritual Father and it was the day of our midweek service. Right on the way, I began to think of the person on ground to give instructions to carry on. All the Ministerial Team was on the road.

Just after we gave a call and passed on instructions, I said to my associates with me, “This is how to know who indeed is faithful. The question is Who can I send or who can go for us or who will do it responsibly?”

Paul also had the same challenge at times in ministry deciding who to send to places where situations and circumstances would not let him be.

When He sent Timothy to the Philippians, he said to them: “Yet I’m trusting in our Lord Jesus that I may send Timothy to you soon…Timothy is like no other. He carries the same passion for your welfare that I carry in my heart. For it seems as though everyone else is busy seeking what is best for themselves instead of the things that are most important to our Lord Jesus Christ. You already know about his excellent reputation, since he has served alongside me as a loyal son in the work of ministry. After I see what transpires with me he’s the one I will send to you to bless you” Philippians 2:19‭-‬23 TPT

Do you have the same heart for the people as your Pastor does? A pastor cannot send someone who would bruise and hurt the sheep.

Wait a minute! Do you think that a Pastor would send a perpetual latecomer to stand in for him at a meeting? Or would he send someone who would pick “an important call” and abandon the sheep at the last minute?

And when he sent Titus to the Corinthians. He had this testimony of Titus also: “When I urged Titus to visit you and sent our other brother with him, did Titus take advantage of you? No! For we have the same spirit and walk in each other’s steps, doing things the same way” 2 Corinthians 12:18 NLT

If a Pastor knows that you will take advantage of the sheep, he will not send you. You cannot be winking at the girls or guys of Zion and expect to be trusted.

Have you caught the heart of your Pastor for the vision? Do you walk in the same spirit and the same step? A leader can only entrust things to a person who will do things the way he would have done them or even better.

You cannot commit the destiny of a call into the hands of a burden to the call. You seek those who have been a blessing to relieve the burden.

Friend, the burden on your Pastor is a lot already but he needs trusted hands to help with the sheep. He does not want a hireling that a business call would constantly take away from the place of assignment. He does not want a wolf in sheep’s clothing that would befriend the sheep before dividing the spoil. He wants a sheep who has the heart of the shepherd.

Can you be trusted?

There is love in sharing