As we returned home that day, Danielle began to show signs that she was hungry. Irewamiri tried different means to placate. It would seem to work for a while as we distracted her momentarily. Then she would begin to throw tantrums again. We made it home and then the tears went to a new level. Irewamiri though moved by her tears said to me, “No matter how much she cries, I must eat first before I feed her. She has taken a lot from me today already and I have not eaten well”. Danielle had no option. She waited for mummy to eat for strength first before she could be fed.
Beloved, ministry is an overflow. You must not minister to people out of your reserve but out of your overflow. You must get to the place where the Lord anoints you with oil and your cup overflows. If you minister to others from emptiness, there will be no impact. You will likely be a victim of trying to make it work. You will use schemes because “you want the presence to move”.
What is the pattern?
” Then he added, “Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. “
Ezekiel 3:10 NLT
The key is to prioritise your feeding. Let the word sink into you first. Eat well for strength. There is a trap in our generation that you want to study so that you can share a deep revelation with friends and your online audience. Social media is not the first place to rush to with a revelation. The secret place must be first. Read it. Study it. Meditate on it. Let it produce fruits in your life. The finest revelation of God’s Word is not deep teaching or high-sounding words but a changed life.
To the believer: Do not sit in a place where you are not fed or nourished. This could sound tough but your decisions in life are tied to how nourished your spirit is. If all you hear are stories from African Magic movies intertwined with some fear-motivated talks, you may have to anoint your feet and run. You cannot be in a place where all you have are sermon titles but no practical handles for growth in life. After you put down the title, there is nothing more to note, be watchful.
However, you must not just have the mindset of a consumer. When you bear the fruits of kingdom service, you will be pruned for more. You just have to ensure that the tree bearing fruits of service is also not dying gradually. Are the fruits diminishing year after year? Do you now struggle in your love walk? Are you downcast even though you sing in the choir? Sit down and get back into the secret place. Make it a pattern.
Eat for yourself first. Only a nourished mother can function well as a nursing mother.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa
Deep and impactful