About three months into pastoring work in Eruwa, a friend told me about an opportunity to travel out for some weeks under a youth leadership programme.

I asked my friend a question, “Church is just starting. If I travel out now, who will pastor the church? What will happen to this assignment?” I looked unserious because I did not go for an opportunity that looked great rather I chose to stick with the ‘unattractive’ call to ministry in Eruwa.

Beloved, there is nothing that God will call you to do that will not come with a price to pay. As a matter of fact, some amazing doors you never imagined can begin to open right at the point of following God’s plan for your life.

A great job offer may come the moment you said that you would go all the way with God. Many have looked at it and turned their back on divine call- a higher pay raise, an opportunity to leave the country.

Can we be honest with one another- the devil does not mind giving you a great offer as long as it will take you out of the divine programme.

It is a man who runs his life according to God’s plan that is a major threat to the devil. He will do all he can to stop that.

A man who knows God judges the progress of his life by looking first and primarily at spiritual things and not material things.

For a man who is spiritual- he filters all offers through the eyes of the divine programme for his life. His question is always: Will it take me closer to God or away from God?

So before you hurry to share the testimony or you accept any offer, ask yourself- would it take me closer to God or away from Him?

Let God see things in your life that draws him close to you. When Moses shared the song of the Lord about the nation of Israel, he said about them:

“The Lord saw this and drew back, provoked to anger by his own sons and daughters”
Deuteronomy 32:19 NLT

What did they do?

He said, “I will abandon them; then see what becomes of them. For they are a twisted generation, children without integrity. They have roused my jealousy by worshipping things that are not God; they have provoked my anger with their useless idols.”
Deuteronomy 32:20‭-‬21 NLT

What makes your heart? Things of God or things that are not of God. Do you ask yourself: Is it of God or does it just makes me feel good?

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