Just at the commencement of ministry in Eruwa, I had spent the morning in sighs and some tears. It was such morning that you shut up the doors and scream “Lord, Step in. You who called, strengthen me” and you add the song, “My Helper o”.
I laid on the bed in my room for quite about an hour when I heard a knock. The voice at the door said “Bishop from Oyo is looking for you. Mummy said you should come to her office” (I heard a car driving in but I did not care)
As I stepped into mum’s office, I saw this amazing father (an Anglican Bishop). I prostrated. As I was standing up, he said, “Mummy just told me you are in Eruwa for ministry”. As I got to the kneeling posture, he placed his hands on my shoulders and began to pour such prayers of strength and grace. Tears flowed and I knew God showed up to tell me that “I am with you”.
Let me talk to someone going through tough times. The winds seem to be contrary; the storm is raging, the boat is almost being torn apart, darkness is thick and you are screaming for help, it seems Jesus is far!
Look up! Look up!! Look up!!! There comes your Lord walking on the same raging storm carried by the winds of the Spirit.
God is walking on top of the same water threatening to drown you. God is on top of the matter. God has never failed before and He will not start with you.
The devil wants your head bowed so you would not see your Saviour walk in. Look up! Lift up your head.
You will not be put to shame. You have a High Priest in Jesus Christ who knows your deepest hurts and hears your unspoken fears. If you will only listen closely, you will pick His heartbeat and His calming voice saying, “Be still and you see the victory of the Lord”.
This is not the time to worry. This is the time to listen as you worship. It will turn out well. The test will become a testimony.