Some years ago, as we prepared for Sunday Service, I gave Irewamiri some money and I said, “Darling, this is all I have left aside our offering for today. Please, use this token to buy some things we may need”. Her response still rings a bell in me to date. She looked at me and said, “You are a blessed man”. Smiles returned to my face. 

Right after service, we went to make some minimal purchases for the home. Just as we were wrapping home, I got a message saying, “Sir, did you see the token I sent to you?” My heart was already dancing with joy. I received a gift of a hundred thousand. It was a great joy indeed. I smiled and told Irewamiri that “I am a blessed man”. 

There are people with lifting words and there are people with crushing words. The words people speak to you carry a lot of weight. Words are very powerful. Words are weighty. Words are weapons. At least, even the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of the Lord. 

Many years ago, I had a situation when someone dear to me spoke quite some harsh words to me. I had to tell the person, “Your words hurt me. They are like pouring water on a rat. It gets me to shiver. I fear your words. I am afraid of you”. If you are in a similar kind of relationship, you may need to have a rethink. 

What is the test? 

First, when he or she speaks, does vision come alive in you or does something die on your inside? Why is this important? Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Are the words killing or giving life? Words that nourish will see you bloom. Words that torture will make you gloom.

*Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life*

Proverbs 18:21A TPT

A husband confessed to speaking demeaning words constantly to his wife. She was looking older than her age. When things changed, she began to blossom with beauty. People around them noticed. 

Second, do blessings and curses proceed from the same mouth? Do they spill out profanities when under pressure? When you start saying things like, “He is pleasant but his words are not”, check well again. 

*Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.*

James 3:10 NKJV

For instance, a man is meant to be a husband. It is an agricultural word. He is meant to groom his bride. Marriage can be like transplanting a beautiful flower from one compound to another. 

A man takes his flower (bride) and plants her in his own home. He has an assignment to water her in the morning with prayerful words and in the evening with prophetic blessings. She begins to grow and glow. There are some women that the tale of their marital journey shows in their appearance- mournful looks! 

Some men fail to nurture and groom with the right words. They wait till the sun is up before watering the plant. The intent is right but the consequence of that action is counter-productive. It kills the plant. If you wait for crisis season to speak the right words, you have spoken late. 

What do you have to work on? 

Start now. Say a blessing over your spouse daily. Speak kind words. Nurture with your words. Watch everything change.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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