I was on my way out of the city of Ibadan some years back. I ran into a colleague of mine somewhere in the city. We parked and greeted one another. I was still about two years in ministry in Eruwa. 

As I drove away from him, the devil decided to hit me with strange thoughts of discouragement, “Look at your life. Your mate is driving the same car you are driving. Unfortunately, yours belongs to your Dad”. Honestly, I gave him some minutes to throw strange jabs at me. I was driving but felt slightly weakened internally. 

Then, the Spirit of Joy took over. First, I gave thanks that I had a vehicle to use. Second, I gave thanks because the Lord had called me to serve Him. I also gave thanks for the progress of my classmate and friend. That broke the backbone of discouragement. 

The enemy is an expert in planting the seed of unnecessary comparison that leads to discouragement and, if caution is not exercised, to depression. Many have abandoned God’s vision because they wanted “more.” They got tricked into thinking they are not making any sense with life. 

The proof of progress is obedience. Progress is not necessarily first about forward visible movements. It is about being where God wants you to be per time- even if it means staying in the same spot. Settle that today, and you would be free from comparison. 

Think about this: If we look at Joseph’s life a day before the Palace called him, we would have judged his dream a mirage, a fantasy or wishful thinking. He was far from the palace by human appraisal, but by divine map which men can be blind to, he was just a few hours away. Beloved, God’s ways are not our ways. A disadvantaged foreigner, prisoner and slave became the talk of the nation in one day! Your case is not hopeless. Be calm. Be patient. Trust the one who commissioned you.

Am I saying you should live nonchalantly or without drive? God forbid. I am saying that you should not get obsessed with proving a point with what the Lord has not approved. Paul said to the Galatians, “If I am still trying to please men, I cannot be a bondservant of Christ.”

Some will be holders of five talents. Some will be holders of two. The important thing is to do ALL with the measure you have received from the Lord. If you abandon your assignment to do that of another person, the grade of your assignment will be outright zero! Passionate commitment to an unassigned task carries no reward. 

Today, as I reflect on God’s goodness, I can only conclude that His ways are beyond and deep. Do not give up. Do not fall into comparison. Be a passionate learner. Be a committed visionary. Stay in the fight. Stand tall. You are on a journey with God. 

I pray you grace to finish well! 

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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