I spent the early part of the day trusting God to lead me to souls. Typically, I would say to God, “Lord, I am open for business today. Lead me to what you would have me to do”. I drove out of the office to seek souls. I ended up with two young men and it was a joy leading them to Christ.

Friends, we would never win souls if we are not deliberate about it. You need to plan it as part of your day. Soul-winning is a daily affair. That was how the apostles did it. For a start, pick a day in the week and call it your outreach day.

Just like any other spiritual discipline, you must also practice in order to master this sacred duty of a Christian. You will become bolder and more audacious with each attempt.

You can be in a situation where you want to share the gospel but your tongue is tied to the roof of your mouth. Calm down. Ask the Holy Spirit for help.

At times, just when you have concluded to share the gospel, someone comes in as a distraction for the targeted soul. Rebuke the distraction under your breath or see it as an increase and opportunity to reach two rather one. But at all cost, do not back down.

One young man was telling me how sad he was when he missed an opportunity to be enrolled in a national organisation. I empathized with him and then told him how sad it will be if he does not get to make it to heaven. There is an entry point in every conversation to bring in Christ and eternity.

Sharing the gospel could be as simple as talking about your salvation experience. This is mine:

My name is Temiloluwa Ola. I was born in a Christian home to God-fearing parents who are pastors. But as a teenager, I got lost in the world of sexual lusts- porn and masturbation had a grip on me. I still sang in the choir and lifted hands in praise but there was an emptiness on my inside. I got tired of living a double life. I asked God for help. I surrendered my life to Christ. My life changed. As I grew in the knowledge of Christ, addiction lost its grip on me. Would you love to meet Jesus also? Would you love to give your life to Christ?

Often times than not, I have met with young people who can relate to my journey and I eventually lead them to Christ. Would you prepare your own story also and get set to share it with someone briefly every day as you trust the Holy Spirit for help?

This is how Apostle Peter puts it: “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.”
(1 Peter 3:15 NLT)

Are you ready to win souls?

There is love in sharing

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