When we moved into a new house that had a vast compound, Irewamiri was excited to grow a small garden of vegetables.
She cleared some portion, prepared the ground and spread seed. We waited to see them grow but we were disappointed. Just a few sprouted and despite the care, it all died.
She paused her gardening dreams for a while. Then she decided to plant just behind the kitchen beside the septic tank.
The story was different. The seeds sprouted. The greens emerged and many times, we have eaten out of it- vegetables, okro and all others.
The seemingly good ground disappointed us but the ground around our waste produced greatly.
Friends, do not write people off because of what they have been through.
Do you know that some of the people society despised became the strongest supporters of the Ministry of Jesus? One of them had seven demons cast out of her. One worked closely with Herod.
Do not write-off people.
Some of the finest ministry moments I have had comes from people you would rarely had given a chance- they turn out the most amazing!
Stay around a Christian Sister who got pregnant outside wedlock. Her mistake must not become your opportunity to conduct the burial ceremony of your friendship with her. Love her. Encourage her. Do not stone her. Help her find her feet.
A repentant David can still produce a wise Solomon. Do not write people off.
Honestly, the pains and the shame you have been through will be the fertilizer for the seed of what you will become. Don’t waste the pain.
I have a dear friend whom I appreciate dearly. We got close in the midst of her trying periods and life mistakes. Today, she is still a profound encourager.
Friends, do not write people off. That messed up ground can produce some great plants.
Do not write people off!