Danielle attempting to wear a pair of sandals. I noticed that Danielle was wearing it on the wrong foot. I attempted to help her.
She had almost succeeded in wearing it on the wrong foot when I stepped in. She began to scream. She wanted it that way.
I did not really mind her cries. I stepped in and repositioned the sandals the right way. She stepped into it and walked away.
I began to reflect on how many times in my ignorance I kept crying and screaming to have things my way when God was really trying to position me for the best.
Jeremiah got to the potter’s shop and saw him at work but the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over.
There are times we have a picture of how things should be and work out so we keep struggling to make it happen meanwhile what God wants to do is to crush it and get you to start again.
You keep struggling with what God wants to break. You know that relationship is not God’s will but you keep choking things so it can work yet God wants a new beginning for you.
Some of us are like Balaam- we are flogging and hitting the donkey that is going no where. Our eyes are totally blinded from the sword of the angel hanging right over our head.
That is why we must yield to God’s Spirit to help us in the place of our infirmity. Do not keep crying in intercession for what God has not approved for you.
Friends, what sandal are you struggling with? What pot needs to be crushed? What donkey are you flogging?
Will you let it go and say “God, show me your will. Let your will be my prayer and I will obey”?
May you not keep struggling with what needs to be broken, removed or changed. Amen!
Do not keep crying in intercession for what God has not approved for you.