When my first daughter was still younger, she sleeps soundly at night but she would at times turn and make sounds. At that time, our mum would pick her up to feed her before she starts to cry.

But there was an evening Mum was busy. I had to lie by her side as she was still more conscious than asleep. As she made attempts to wake up, making the usual sound and turns, her mum said:

“Just touch her. Keep patting her. Let her know you are close”.

I did that and she slept off.

It struck me that a lot of times we get ruffled and restless. We have projects that seem not to work to plan. You have a spouse who seems uncooperative.

At times, it is a son or daughter that you keep praying for and giving attention to. Sometimes, it is the next open door that we seek. It could be your next birthday soon and marriage is not even in view.

Sometimes, it is a church that seems not to be growing; it could be a business not yielding profit. It could be that your monthly flow has shown once more when you wanted a baby.

Whatever makes you sigh and turn, I have got to tell you this today:

God is close. He is your present help in times of need. He never leaves nor forsakes you.

The prophet Isaiah said: I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic. I’m right here to help you.’ Don’t be afraid… I’ll help you.
Isaiah 41:13,14 MSG

Can you sense that touch of His love on your back? Can you get lost in the embrace of His love? Do not be ruffled. Your season of rest has come. The storm is ceasing. Grace is speaking.

Catch your breath. Take some rest. God is closer than you think.

Lazarus is not dead. He is just sleeping.

There is love in sharing

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