Mum was to attend the annual Holy Ghost Convention many years ago. I was still a little boy and she thought it would be tough to leave me behind.

She was already thinking of how she would go with me. The next night she had a vision where she saw herself wanting to walk with Christ but her handbag would not allow her.

The moment she let the handbag go, it was a sudden flight.

She woke up in the morning thinking of how to explain to her small boy why she would have to leave me behind.

My response shocked her, “Mummy, Go! Jesus is with me”.

Let me tell you this: God will take care of what you are worried about. God told me once that “None of yours will suffer”.

Faith is a risk that is backed up with the integrity of God. It can never fail. It can never crash.

There will be things you want to hold on to sentimentally yet God is demanding of you bigger commitment.

When you are called to a ministry assignment, you can be worried about bills. It is legitimate. But if men can pay, God can do much more!

If it is a divine assignment, it will be backed by divine resources. God has shown up in my walk with Him supernaturally.

You cannot be put to shame in God. When it looks like it would not work out, hold your peace! He may not come on your terms. But He will surely come.

When God is calling you off that wrong relationship that pays the bill, fear not! He is the good shepherd.

Some people are trying to hold on to Christ and their flesh at the same time. It does not work that way pals. You either trust God or you dont.

Also, if you know that a relationship is not adding value to you anymore or it has become a burden that occupies space in your heart, but you keep thinking you are the “Messiah”, God will take care of it. Simply let it go!

Look at how worried you have become. There is no flow at all. Emotional cracks here and there! You know you are in the wrong place and worship no longer flows but you are doing repair work!

Let it go! God does more than repair. He renews and replaces!

Nothing must hinder your fellowship with God. Trust Him. Get rid of sentiments.

Do not get stuck in the “bills”.
Get lost in His will!

There is love in sharing
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