My sister and friend was heavily pregnant. They had gotten into the car about to drive out when she felt like expunging some phlegm.
In her state, she felt too tired to stand. She could not get back into the house. The husband made the most interesting move ever- he asked the wife to spit into his mouth.
The wife thought it was a joke. He brought a open mouth, she spat into it. While he stepped out of the car and returned inside to throw out her spit on her behalf!
(Now some folks are getting really irritated! The slimy effect of the story is causing some “Oh my God” moment).
But it forced me to think: “Can I do this for my wife?”.
First, the husband took the spit of the woman he vowed to love. But is that not really easier than having people you do not know spit all over you? They spat on Jesus yet Jesus took it all in because of you. You cannot stand it but He stood it to save your soul. You need to be grateful for salvation. My friend took the spit from his wife, can you imagine random strangers spitting on Jesus?
Second, if you are going to enjoy marriage, you may not literally take some spit in your mouth but you must understand that loves bears all things. You bear the weaknesses of your partner. Her spit becomes yours. You find a way of working it out together.
Finally, the spit ended with the husband. Your spouse’s weakness must never be a central theme at the “boys or girls time out”. Lovers sit to talk. Lovers work it out. Lovers take spit without announcing it.
Do not underrate what Jesus did; Love your spouse. Take some spit!
(First Written 4 years ago)
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