When she gave the first push, the midwives began to encourage her. I kept telling her, “Babe, I am here. You can do this”. When the team lead noticed that she was getting a bit tired after about three pushes. She did something profound- she took my wife’s hands and told her, “Touch your baby’s head. She is here already. Just one more push”. That was the needed motivation and the last push came with the baby’s cry! We all rejoiced.

Elijah went to pray that it should rain. He kept sending his servant to look for a sign and the servant kept returning that nothing had changed. On the seventh occasion, he returned saying, “I see a cloud like the hands of a man”. That was what Elijah needed.

Sometimes, what we need is proof that we are making progress. You look at yourself and you keep asking just one question, “Am I even making sense at all?” And right in the midst of your concerns, God gives you a sign as proof that you are birthing something.

In the journey of ministry, I have seen God show up in the most unlikely times. At times, it is a phone call from a father. At other times, it is an answer to prayers when you have almost given up. I can say “God never fails”.

The Apostle John spoke about the things we have heard, seen and then handled. There is a realm of hearing and seeing but there is a realm of handling also. A man may have seen or heard about a naked electrical wire but when he handles it, he needs no explanation again. He has proof.

May the Lord give you proof that you are on the right path. May you see a sign that lifts your spirit on the journey of vision. May the impetus you need to deliver what you have conceived come your way.

I pray you have a visit like that of God to Abraham under the great trees of Mamre where the birthing of Isaac is settled. May you have a word from Jesus about throwing in your nets after nights of toiling. May your boats be full of evidence that you heard and obeyed God. May your water turn to wine.

On the Island of Malta, when the snake came out of the sticks that Paul gathered and wound around his hands, they expected him to swell and die but it never happened. May those waiting to see what God has birthed through you die a natural death see the supernatural hand of God.

That womb is not barren. It is only waiting for God’s set time. Your Isaac will land when you least expect it. Your Samuel will come when the kingdom needs a prophet. That womb is not barren. That business receives life now. That ministry comes into a new season. That marriage enjoys grace today.

Touch the head of your baby and push for his birth. Touch the head of your baby and gather strength for the new season. Touch the head of your baby and know that without a doubt, God is doing something. Today, you will see a sign that indeed God does not leave you nor forsake you. Amen.

It will end with shouts of joy. And all shall rejoice with you saying, “This indeed is the hand of the Lord”.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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