Many years ago, an uncle said, “Once it is time for that meeting, I will take care of the transport. You all are blessing lives”. I was already overjoyed.

When it was some days to the meeting and I had settled amount with the bus drivers, I called uncle so he could fulfill his promise. The response I got was so cold and negative.

That was my training where I learnt that God’s work will only be done God’s way and on God’s bill. I learnt it very early in my ministry walk.

First, If you believe that the Lord has called you to do His work at any level, you must understand the place of absolute trust in God. One of the basic training of the assignment is trust.

You must be able to trust God enough to declare His word that there will be a famine without nursing the fear of how you will survive. The Lord will lead you to the brook where ravens will supply meat.

You must learn early that you survive on instructions. You must not hang on hard to the brook when God has moved to Zarephath. A lot of people have died waiting where God has moved away from

Second, you must never get offended no matter how men treat you. It is God who moves men on your behalf. Do not be angry that the uncle did not help you though he had a lot of money.

Take every No as an opportunity to check your spirit to find out where God is leading. You will look back and you will become grateful for every wall of rejection that was mounted on your way. They become the track through a maze that kept you away from places that would have cost you more than you can imagine or recover from in life and destiny.

Do you know what the Psalmist said?

You caused men to ride over our heads [when we were prostrate]; we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into a broad, moist place [to abundance and refreshment and the open air].
Psalm 66:12 AMPC

The disappointments of life is not the end. You will come out to your wealthy place.

There is love in sharing

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