Today makes it eight years of Full-Time Ministry in Eruwa:

Just after I settled it within me that I was heading to Eruwa for full-time ministry, I was on a public bus when a call came through. It was a friend I met on Facebook and I had not met in person.

She asked me, “What are you planning to do?” I was surprised but I told her that I was heading into full-time ministry in Eruwa. She said to me, “Please send your account number. God told me to send you a seed”. That money meant a lot more to me- It was a divine witness that God indeed has called and that God cares.

On the journey of Vision especially when it is in full-time ministry, one major spiritual muscle you must build is that of trust in God. There will be moments on the journey when you will be in doubt and question your self but trust in God will remain an anchor for your soul.

Trust in God means that you do the work that He has committed into your hands with all diligence. God will not sharpen your skills and gifts for you, you must do it personally. You must give your best to what you are doing.

You must not say that you are called into ministry and you are sleeping all day while others work- you are just being lazy! All you will give will be excuses and no results.

You will not be blessed with anything if the lives of men are not impacted. The lady that sent the first seed in 2011 was blessed by my notes on Facebook. That is now more than 8 years of writing to bless lives. A lazy man who desires a seed is a thief. Stop running after money. Face the Work. He who does not work must not eat.


Today as I mark 8 years of obedience to God’s call, Facebook notes that brought the first seed has become more than notes. It is now a devotional read in many countries of the World.

Someone who lost both parents shared how stumbling on the posts restored her sanity in the midst of crisis. Another shared about how he slept soundly despite the medical challenges he was facing at the moment.


I get a lot of requests from people who desire that I send the devotionals to them also. I have said “No” to many because of the volumes of data involved- monthly subscription is gone in less than a week most times.

Also, the hard copies of the devotionals have been a blessing to many people and homes. I would love to scale up that impact.


I am therefore calling for consistent partnership with the work. We seek large hearts and not necessarily large pockets. At the same time, I want to be able to have meetings one day with Partners in the different cities all over the World.

Would you love to join me on this journey to partner for the sake of the gospel? Kindly click this link:


or fill the partnership form below.

Just like the first person who gave to me on this journey, I know yours too can become a memorial unto the Lord.

Join me to spread the good news. God bless you. It will be an amazing gift on this journey.

Compass Devotional Partnership
There is love in sharing

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