My wife has jokingly concluded that she will always ask “about to wed” lovers, “What type of mattress do you like?”

Why? For a really long time, she endured waking up each day on our tall bed and high (and hard)mattress. I did not know what she was going through until she voiced out her aches.

As a loving husband, we changed our bed and mattress to what she preferred- a low bed and a soft (but not high) mattress.

But another problem emerged- I awoke daily in pains. What will be our solution? Well, we now use a high mattress on a low bed!

Smiles. Simple but took us over a year.

Marriage is sustained on communication. Never assume that your spouse understands what you are thinking or feeling!
Homes run into trouble when you begin to react rather than talk! You did not marry the Holy Spirit. You married a person as human as you.

It will be so unkind to heap the work of the discerning of thoughts and intents on your spouse.

Talk! If the bed is hard, discuss! If the sex is painful or unsatisfying, talk about it. If you feel neglected, talk!

Friends, issues left unaddressed or swept under the carpet has a 100 percent chance of resurrection.

There should always be that “low bed, high mattress” moment- that point of agreement where both parties are satisfied.

There are quite some depressed spouses carrying unshared burdens. Communication can be learnt and improved upon. Express what you feel with love. Listen to one another.

Take a time-out for two. Do not fall into the trap of discussing with that lovely lady or man at work. Information sharing surely helps bonding.

You do not want to have your body with your spouse and your mind with your “bond”. That is a dangerous sport.

Marriage is about being naked and not ashamed- talk about it.

Man! “Be a Man” is not the best piece of advice in marriage communication; it is “open your mouth”. Talk! Do not form!

Woman! Submission is not “silent suffering”. It is rooted in love. If it hurts, talk! A loving man listens. Do not keep what will ruin you to heart.

Hope this helped you!

There is love in sharing

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