In the middle of the night, the door of my room opened. In the darkness, I could pick the figures of my dad and mum as they strolled to my bedside.
Daddy tapped me gently. I was already awake. “Your mum has something to tell you”. With that sweet mother’s voice, she said, “My son, I am sorry”.
Earlier in the day mum had given me tasks upon tasks to keep me from fulfilling my wish of travelling. I did all and still requested if I can travel.
She simply called me “Lazy Pig”. I was broken. I wrote it on my unpainted wall and wrote the date (I had a lawyer in me since). I was still in my mid-teenage years.
That night, mum said “I am sorry” but taught me a lesson without speaking words – The fact that you are older does not mean you are right. Age is not a tool for cheating. She taught me humility. She taught me “I am not bigger than an apology”.
Some homes are in a mess because of silly ego. What does saying “I am sorry” cost you? Fathers can apologise to sons; husband to wife; brother to sister.
Why kill the atmosphere of love in your home with your self exalting but stinkingly irritating pride? Has the uncomfortable silence done you any good? Have the formal one-word answers feel good?
Do not bribe with gifts. Open your mouth and say “I am sorry”. Ehn! Be humble.
If we will have vibrant homes, all parties must be willing to chop the humble pie- status notwithstanding!
Lord, make us Christians building Christian homes.