Just some few minutes after our Sunday Service, I was ruminating about the surprise lunch trip I had planned for Irewamiri when a dear one walked in to my office and said, “Pastor, we had an accident. The car is damaged”.

I asked after his welfare and that of everyone who was in the car. I stepped out to check the car and realised it was badly damaged but there was something the Lord did in the midst of it all- my mind was insulated by the peace of the Lord.

Trip cancelled. Thanksgiving activated. I was grateful that I did not joke with a divine prompt to spend some more time in prayer that weekend.

Friend, prayer averts evil. Whatever came to demand for your head can turn around for your promotion. Prayer is the foot of the believer on the ground of the supernatural. If you want to take strides in the supernatural, you cannot but spend time in prayer.

I have learnt a major lesson in my Christian walk – Never joke with the urge to pray because you do not know what is on the way. It was only a prayerful Peter that could have followed strangers to the home of a Gentile. By then, commonsense and tradition would have kept him back.

If you want to be calm in the middle of a storm, composed in the middle of a crisis and insulated by the peace of God when you should be giving everyone a piece of your mind, you must ensure that you live a life of the Word and Prayer.

Prayer is fuel for the weary soul. Prayer pulls back the curtain and gives you a peep into what is happening behind the scene. You will then realise that you can laugh over a seemingly lost opportunity.

It takes a prayerful Jesus to stay calm on the cross without hurt or bitterness. It takes a prayerful Stephen to turn stones to steps for insight and revelation. It takes a prayerful “you” to laugh at famine and destruction.

Do you have a devotion to God in prayer?
What do you do when there is a prompt to pray?
When last did you even carry a prayer burden?
Does Heaven still trust that when you are summoned to prayer, you will find your knees and not an excuse?

There is love in sharing

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