A dear elderly one in the ministry was confronted and asked why she would be attending a church founded and pastored by someone that is far younger than her. I am always impressed by her humility to learn and to grow.

It is amazing that no one gets to the hospital and reject the services rendered by a young doctor. No one boards a flight and asks for the age of their pilot. Some young men refused to take the counsel and correction of their pastor because of his age.

In life, there will be times that you will have to learn from those who are younger than you yet have been placed by grace in offices that they would be a blessing to your life and destiny.

One of the challenges you would have in accepting them as your teachers would be familiarity and age. Some have taken their teachers as friends hence reduced instructions to suggestions. They do not attach the necessary weight to the counsel they have received simply because they are blindfolded by pride.

The first person who acted in pride lost his place. Lucifer lost his position because he took a wrong posture. Pride reduces you. The devil is now seeking as many as he can to plant the same seed of pride in them.

Cultivate humility. Humility knows that it is not a case of superiority, it is just a case of difference. Humility honours the difference.

If you are in ministry, the person the Lord has raised to father you may even be your age mate or at times younger than you. Learn with humility. There are protégés who are older than their mentors but still so humble in learning.

Do not get into a church and refuse to learn because the pastor is young. The devil would be cheating you out of your God-ordained inheritance. Inheritance is received when the posture of sonship is attained. Lessons are received when the posture of a learner is taken.

Do not allow public opinion to rob you of your God-ordained teachers and instructors. Deal with pride today. Be humble enough to learn and grow in your local church. Do not keep company with those who are going nowhere. Get serious with your life and destiny. Connect with God’s plan for you in that local assembly. Give your best there. Enrol in the training programme that will announce you.

There is love in sharing

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