While I was moving our luggage into the car, I spotted a spider’s web just at the front tyre. It had built a web from the floor to tyre. When I spotted it, I was surprised. I parked the car quite late in the night and by morning, I was seeing cobwebs.

That is the picture of how quick the devil can wrap things around us once we become stagnant. Once you stop moving, there are things that will conveniently hang on you. There are webs that will find a place on you once you stop moving.

When John the Baptist was stuck in the prison, the web of offence clogged his mind. He began to question things that he already affirmed. As a matter of fact, he questioned his life’s purpose.

His life purpose was to point out Jesus. When he got stuck in prison, he questioned whether Jesus was the one or they should expect another.

The disciples of John came to Jesus and said to Him, “Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?”

Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”

And Jesus closes it addressing the web of offence that had been built in the mind of John the Baptist: “And blessed is he who does not take offence at Me.”
Matthew 11:3‭-‬6 NASB

There are things that will cling unto you if you are not doing what you have been called to do. If you are in the wrong place, lust, adultery and murder can come out of just a simple stroll in the evening. The consequences may be grievous than you think.

Make sure that you are constantly kingdom business minded. Jesus had this awareness from age twelve. He told his parents:

How is it that you look for me? Don’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business? Luke 2:49

If you are about your father’s business, the devil has no business building webs into your life. You will always be miles ahead of him. Before the devil can have a foothold in a man’s life, the man must have stopped moving in the things of God ordained for his life. A foot cannot find a grip on a car that is on motion.

There is a time to rest and there is a time to keep moving. The young prophet was found by the old prophet where he was resting. He used the web of strange instructions, suggestions and manipulations to lead him out of divine instructions. The young prophet eventually died in that web.

What web have you been caught in? What are you struggling with because you stopped doing what you have been assigned to do?

Some are struggling to come out of emotional ties that are already wrecking their marriage. Shake it off and stand up from it.

Some are struggling in the trap of unforgiveness. Shake it off. Your life and purpose in God are bigger than the burden that hurts want to place on you.

The end came to the spider’s web once I got into the car and began to move again. Keep moving and there are strange things that will drop off.

Get back to the basics of praying, studying and winning souls. You will not have time for a lot of rubbish! Move again. Move again. Move again.

There is love in sharing

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