When I saw it, I said it out. Irewamiri asked, “Where did you see that?” I told her it was right on my phone.

I had taken note a while back that: “Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him to the top”.

Can I say it again?

“Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him to the top”.

One more time:

“Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him to the top”.

Hagar did not show up in Abraham’s home overnight. She was a maid from Egypt. She was fed fat in their home. What Hagar are you feeding?

David was on his way to kill Nabal before Abigail intervened. He changed his mind but once Nabal died, he took Abigail. Does it sound like killing Uriah and taking Bathsheba?

Habits are definitely not formed overnight. They take time to build. If you keep feeding the wrong habit while you are unknown, it will become your Archille’s heel in greatness.

Samson had a pattern already of doing things and hiding it! He had the pattern of seeking God in emergencies. He had the habit of feeding his eyes lustfully.

Moses had anger issues that he did not deal with from his days in Egypt. It cost him a lot at the end.

Whatever will bring a man down followed him to the top.

What habits seems inconsequential now that can wreck a great havoc soon?

Honestly, look back and revisit lessons you have learnt and deal with issues pretty fast.

Hold on, a dear friend said that if you cannot identify specific lessons you have learnt in a season, it is proof that you have not made any progress.

This can be a lesson:

Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him to the top!

There is love in sharing

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