As we prayed, I picked an impression that we should give thanks to God but not just by singing songs. I requested everyone to write down 12 specific things they are grateful to God for.

It was when we began to write that it dawned on me that making a list of things to be grateful for was not as simple as I thought.

Friends, forgetfulness is cheap. Bringing to mind things you are grateful for is tough work. Thanksgiving is work.

I now understand why the Psalmist had to tell his soul to “Bless the Lord Oh my Soul and all that is within me bless His holy name”. The soul wants to drift but you must ensure it does not.

He went ahead to tell his soul not to forget the benefits of the Lord. It is so cheap and easy to forget.

Thanksgiving can be pretty tough. In fact, the Prophet Malachi brought a divine commandments to priests that they must put it to heart to bless the Lord.

It is human to find a list of faults and shortcomings but can you make up your deliberate list of things you are grateful for.

Phillip looked at the five loaves of bread and two fishes and said, “What is these among so many”?

Jesus took the same five loaves and two fishes. He gave thanks to the Lord and it multiplied exponentially.

Thanksgiving is tough. It is something to be deliberate about- it is easy to forget. Remembrance is hardwork.

Will you make a list of gratitude today?

There is love in sharing
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