We were visiting with my spiritual father and we had a great time talking over breakfast. He was sharing quite a lot. I even took a notepad to keep notes.

Out of courtesy, my dear wife stood to assist in clearing the dishes. Once she stood, Mummy looked at her and said, “Sit down and listen. It is quite rare having such moments with Baba”.

She took the counsel. She sat and she listened.

Everyday, there will always be something that competes with the moment of sitting, listening and learning as you study the Word of God or read up what inspired men have written about the Word.

Friends, your timeout with God is not a joke. Sit down and listen. Take notes. Leave the schedule out of your mind. Honour God with your concentration.

Study. Pray. Meditate. Do it daily. Do it consistently.

There is a reason why Jesus prayed long before dawn. There are no distractions.

I do not know about you but every time I get to feel low or I begin to compare or I begin to feel like life is slow, it is always because I dropped the ball in my personal devotions,

Again, if you are gifted, it is so easy to want to jump at activities rather than sitting to learn especially in your local church. You can easily get carried away.

Every time we have a meeting in church, I tell my people, “Take care of guests but do not forget to learn”.

Do not get carried away with serving Him that you actually do not learn from God. Get to know Him and then serving Him will become easy!

Friend, sit down and listen. That is the secret of inner strength. It is the trigger of lasting impact. Your standing in public has a lot to do with your sitting and kneeling in private.

There is love in sharing

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