March 11 made it seven years I was ordained a Pastor and today, March 18 makes it seven years that The Eagles Assembly had her first service.

I remember the build up to our first service. I sat on that wooden plank as I chatted with two great brothers- one is still in TEA till date. We prayed. We worshipped. We gave thanks.

We had our first service with 14 people in attendance and I taught on Winning By The Blood.

It has been seven years of great joy and deep lessons. We have been carried on the wings of the Spirit and sustained by the grace of God, counsel of fathers and teachers, without leaving out the prayer and partnership of friends.

We have had moments we wanted to really run but God taught us patience.

Thank God for changed lives.
Thank God for impact.

There had been moments only God could have brought us through.

Personally, I have had to patiently answer questions of “What are you doing in Eruwa?” or “Why Eruwa?” or “How do you survive?” (Everyone on my pastoral team goes through the same)

I have had to explain the reasons for this faith walk almost every other time.

I have endured been looked down upon also- questions only God and years could answer where I had no words.

I have dropped tears in hidden places as I knelt in prayers for burdens only grace could carry and silent desires that God met without a doubt!

I have seen miracles. I mean the real hand of God in the affairs of men. Such moments when your fast heartbeat becomes a danceable melody.

The just shall live by faith. Faith is trusting God regardless of evidences but much more regardless of consequences.

If we are to do this again and again, I will give my life to this vision.

Let me close with the toughest thing at Pastoring in Eruwa:

We get to say “bye” to many people we have impacted in less than a year. I remember that month when 18 people (well-trained) had to move on! Ahhh! Hard! Hard!! Our finest hands were gone and we had to still invest in others.

I want to say thank you to my wife. I thought I was crazy coming to Eruwa but you proved that you are a deep God lover by choosing God over anything else. I love you.

To my associate and brother, Ope Ayandele, it has been 7 years of weathering storms. Only God could have brought you as a gift.

To Ayoola Gabriel, Son, I know how deep heeding God is in the midst of shining options especially when you are a First Class material. You chose God. You chose Eruwa. You chose TEA.

You are my Wonderful 3! Thank you.

But we are resolute. We continue this journey.

We are strong.
We are resilient.

We are Eagles!

Thanks for all the Love you have always shown.

The Eagles Assembly Eruwa is 7 today!

Listen to ‘Build Up’ by Pastor Temiloluwa Ola

Listen, Share and Be blessed.

There is love in sharing
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