When she woke up that night as usual to drink tea (actually chocolate), we discovered that we had run out of stock.

Now, there was need to placate a crying child or else, there would be no quiet till dawn.

My ingenious self came up with a grand plan. I remembered my daughter would not give you breathing space if she sees you drinking garri.

Smart Dad! I stormed the store and prepared garri. I filled her bottle with the water. She drank with relish and slept off.

Smart Dad. Fulfilled Child. Good sleep.

In the night seasons when there is a cry, no matter how small, there will always be a provision around you.

God will never leave you without a witness. There is something under your roof that can change the season.

That 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes is more than a lunch pack, it is a gift to feed 5000.

A man and his wife started their restaurant with their dining table, gas cooker, the rice in their store and all those wedding gifts of plates and dishes (yours is still stored away and you keep writing proposals here and there)

There will always be a jar of oil in your night season that will fill other empty vessels and pay off the debt.

There will be a stone and sling that can bring Goliath down. Why are you still crying for Saul’s armour?

God will never leave you without a witness- that empty room housed a prophet! Imagine that is the link to ending childlessness for that family.

God will never leave you without a witness- there will be a rod to lift against that Red Sea.

God will never leave you without a witness.

Ask God to shine His light on what is right under your nose that you do not see but is the first step out of your challenges.

I pray for you- may you not despise what is under your roof. May the night season come with a light of God that changes your season.

Friend, we break that cycle now. Now, receive insight for a leap.

Supernatural things most times may look pretty stupid but never underrate it.

There is love in sharing

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