TEMILOLUWA OLA, ERUWA- The story behind it!

When I stepped into the land of Eruwa for the work of Ministry, it was pretty difficult to mention to people who ask the questions: “Where are you?” or “What do you do?”. I was not proud to mention it even though I was walking in obedience. I felt it was not comparable to walking in a law firm or a multinational or government employment.

It was a battle for a while until the Lord showed me that “If I don’t accept where He has placed me, I would not enjoy the fullness of the blessing reserved for me in obedience”. It showed a deficiency of willingness. I began to own my location with all joy.

The prophecy of Isaiah is, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land”. Willingness is a major ingredient of obedience. If you obey without willingness, it becomes a matter of the heart. God looks at the heart to bless and honour men.

No matter what God has asked you to do and no matter where He has called you to be, be proud of God’s call and process. There is nothing more honourable than walking in His will for you.

Walking in His will may not look attractive to those around you now but give it time. Do not despise His walk with you. If you despise the seed, you will not see the fruits.

When you accept God’s plan and location for you without shame, honour will begin to flow in your direction. Honour flows where submission is not in doubt.

The glory of Christ was tied to accepting the “shameful” process of dying on the cross like a common criminal. Accepting the cross was tough but he got to the point of willingness. When willingness is released, honour is activated. Grace and supply begin to flow.

As you long as you grumble and complain about a location, you can never see the best there. If you keep complaining about your marriage, you will not see the best in it. If you complain about the process, the process cannot honour you with results.

There is love in sharing

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