While growing, we had a father in the neighbourhood who was quite tough. He is a Medical Doctor. Whenever we see his car coming, we would dodge and find another route.

Once he gives you a ride, you will begin to recite the multiplication table until you get to your destination. We thought that he was simply too tough. He would not allow us to have our fun as we desired. As you can imagine, he was not one of our favourites. It took years to appreciate him. It took maturity to see what he was making out of us.

The Shunamite woman said something to her rider after she laid her son on the bed of Prophet Elisha:

Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee.
2 Kings 4:24 KJV

Then she saddled a donkey and said to her servant, “Drive and go forward; do not slow down the pace for me unless I tell you.”
2 Kings 4:24 NASB

The challenge and deficiency in the life of some people today is directly connected to people who slacked for them. They made it convenient and comfortable for you. They rubbed your head rather than correct you. You have turned out lesser than God intended. You now have character deficiencies.

Some were pastored by people who never rebuked them. Both their spiritual and physical heritages slacked the rules for them. The programme of God for their life was mixed with the sentiments of man.

Do not look for those who will slack the rules for you- you will not amount to much. Look for those who will drive you hard into God’s plans without emotional attachments and sentiments that reduces a man.

You need to go to your God-ordained teachers or your Pastors and submit to training. Say to them, “Do not slow down the pace for me. Place Godly demands on me that will train me for life, destiny and eternity”

If you follow a nice teacher, you will return lesser than God ordained. If you follow a nice pastor who slows down the pace for you, you will be a Christian but a weak soldier.

When last did you pray for an hour at a stretch?
When last did you win a soul?
When last did you read up the Bible in a year?
When last did you fast?
When last were you awake for a vigil?

Do not remain where things are slacked for you. Your flesh will love it but you have limited yourself.

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