While we prayed around midday in the church office, the Holy Spirit impressed it on my heart to think of the activity of a depot by our side. I observed for some minutes.

The Holy Spirit said, “Do you see cars coming with crates of empty bottles? Do you realise that they leave loaded? Do you know that most of the loaded cars will take them to bars and it is not necessarily for personal use?

Then I picked what the Lord was saying. The Church sometimes is like a depot. When we gather, we have come for a refill. We have come to renew strength. No one must come to the church empty and leave empty. No one must come in depressed, thinking of suicide and leave without a touch of the supernatural.

The Church must be a place where we draw strength and encouragement. It is the place of refilling. It is the place that a troubled Peter can meet a tired John. We exchange our weakness for God’s strength.

But when we refill in church, it is not for our private consumption. No tree eats its own fruits. Mostly, gifts are also for the benefit of all. You are filled so you can get others filled. You were touched so you can touch others. You were saved so others can be saved.

We thank God for the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary. However, the proof she was overshadowed was the carrying of pregnancy and the birthing of Christ for the benefit of all.

The Holy Spirit does not promote selfishness but selflessness. The Works of the Flesh can never be the Fruit of the Spirit.

The problem we have most times is that we carry our Monday to Saturday into Sunday so we come to church tired, weary and without expectation. Well! We can be strengthened. However, we need to carry our Sundays into our Mondays to Saturdays by being true ambassadors.

At work on Monday through Friday, let there be an encouraging word inspired by the Holy Spirit in your mouth for a colleague going through tough times. Let your hands be ready to touch the sick and pray for recovery.

On Saturdays, as you dance at the party, let your mouth be ready to whisper eternal words in the midst of the dance. Be prepared to do it. Do not sit at the salon for six hours and all you hear is gossip yet you refuse to share the gospel. At the car wash, raise the flag of Christ. After the premiership match, share a drink and the gospel with your shouting partners.

Friends, carry your Sunday into your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Return for a refill on Sunday! Your pulpit is wherever you find people. Give a touch!

There is love in sharing

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