I slept off while praying and I had a short dream that woke me up. I saw a metal pole with some rusty elements on it. Then it began to rain. After the rain, they came to carry off the pole. On the spot where the pole stood, there was a brown mark on the floor made by the interaction of the water and the metal.
The Lord said to me as I woke up, “You cannot leave a mark of what you have not carried”. In the same way, just like the rain, it takes an outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon us for us to leave a generational impact here on earth.
We are in a prophetic season. You must be willing to make a mark in your time. There is no one that is redeemed that is not appointed for impact. By the prophecy of Joel:
“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions” Joel 2:28 NLT
There is nowhere that rain falls that is left the same way. When rain falls, dry things come alive. When rain falls, seeds buried underground begin to sprout. It reveals what we never knew was there. When rain falls, there is a refreshing.
We are in the season of the rain. Dry prayer lives are sprouting with a new passion. Potentials that had laid fallow and dormant are coming alive. Men who did not know what they carry are entering a realm of revelation. All of these will be refreshing to the carrier and to the body of Christ.
Therefore, your goal must be to stay continually yielded to the Spirit of the Lord. A yielded man is a great vessel in the hands of the Lord. Train yourself early to be yielded to Him.
At all costs, resist anything and everything that makes it difficult for you to yield to divine leading. Fight it hard. When your life becomes so encumbered for God to lead, you become stranded and confused and it will seem as though things got complicated. God makes our life simple.
No matter how much you want to carry on a journey, it would be unwise to put the load on the driver’s seat. No matter how hectic your life is now, leave the driver’s seat to the Lord. The load will not count much when you have handed it all over to Him. Do not make it hard for God to lead you.
If it is hard for God to lead you, it will be hard for God to use you. If it is hard for God to use you, it will be impossible for you to leave a divine mark here on earth. Your life must produce kingdom impact.
Look at Jesus: He was so delighted with “His father’s business” from age 12. How old are you now? Do divine things excite you? Are you postured constantly for the rain of the Spirit? When it pours, would you be a part of the manifestation?
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.