I stepped out in the morning and l spotted an army of soldier ants some few metres from the house. I knew this would mean trouble if not properly dealt with. I began to look round for what to use. I remembered I had some used engine oil. I reached for it and I poured it as a line of defence.

A few hours later, I looked at the soldier ants and they had changed pattern. They refused to pass through everywhere that the oil had touched. The house was safe now.

Friends, when Sennacherib as the commander of Assyria sent notice to King Hezekiah that the nation should surrender to him or he would invade and turn them to slaves as they have done in other nations. He even could boast that their God cannot save them.

Hezekiah sought audience with Isaiah and went to also lay the response of Sennacherib at the temple of the Lord. The response of the Lord is instructive:

“He will not enter this city. He will not fire an arrow here. He will not lay siege on the city. He will return by the way he came”.

An angel of the Lord went out in one night and slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Well! The rest is history.

Friends, you must know how to turn the battle over to God. You must know how to engage the Lord of Hosts in your affairs. You cannot just sit down like a lame-duck watching time go by and wondering when the situation will turn.

David knew how to switch things. Goliath made them all look small by calling the soldiers “servants of Saul”. David came in and called them “the army of the Lord of Hosts”. The battle tempo changed. Goliath was killed and the Philistines fled.

The Kings of Edom, Israel and Judah ran to Elisha in the midst of battle. Elisha requested for a harpist. While the harpist played, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha and he decreed victory.

How do you turn the enemy on his tail?

First, never let the enemy define who you are. Keep your identity in God before you. Second, seek the face of the Lord in prayers mingled with worship. Activate the prophetic. You are the first prophet of your destiny. Third, speak only the Word of the Lord. Pick your smooth stones and go bring down that giant.

In the end, you will have victory without a fight. You will see the enemy turn back in shame knowing that you are a no-go-area.

From this season and the rest of your life, you are protected. No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. No evil shall come near you. The Sun shall not smite you by day. The moon will not hurt you by night.


There is love in sharing

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