Marriage and Ministry took a significant leap in 2017. We were doing all we could but it seems as though all was a bit slow. In reflection now, I can identify how we switched to greater precision and made a greater impact. Marriage got better and ministry grew in impact.

We have had an undefined relationship with a dear father in the faith but in 2017 we defined that relationship. We took it seriously. We boldly called them our parents. We took every meeting with them seriously. We knew what to call them. They could call us son and daughter.

One of the things that will slow you down in life is debating the identity of the man you are ordained to follow. The struggle you have internally about knowing what to call them is a reflection of the struggle that slows a man down.

Do you know Elisha did not waste time in defining who Elijah is to him? He burnt the wood, boiled the ox and bid his parents farewell. All through his journey with Elijah, he called Elijah “My Father”.

Do you know what the other sons of the prophets called Elijah when talking to Elisha? They called him “Your Master”. Take a look-

The group of prophets from Bethel came to Elisha and asked him, “Did you know that the Lord is going to take your master away from you today?” “Of course I know,” Elisha answered. “But be quiet about it.”
2 Kings 2:3 NLT

Then the group of prophets from Jericho came to Elisha and asked him, “Did you know that the Lord is going to take your master away from you today?” “Of course I know,” Elisha answered. “But be quiet about it.”
2 Kings 2:5 NLT

You hear some people say things like, “What did your pastor say again?” Yet they are members of that church. It is an evil that slows a man down.

There was a significant difference between Elisha and the others at the end. Elisha’s impact increased and his life gained speed but we do not know what happened to others or have a record of any significance that they attained.

Beloved, go and listen well to men who make a difference, they have defined someone as a teacher or as a father. If you struggle in this regard, you will be slow in life.

Definition and acceptance of your God-ordained teachers change the game for you.

I sense to say to someone who is advanced in age and the person you are ordained to learn from is about your age and you find it hard accepting him- follow humbly. Go and submit for mentoring. Learn. Do you complain that your doctor is younger than you? It is pride that makes you think you cannot be mentored by your age mate. Deal with it.

From today, your life will gather speed. Stop struggling with what to call your teacher or mentor or father. Call him by his destiny role in your life henceforth. It will help you in life.

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