“Temi, we know you can pioneer a youth church for us. Kindly think about it and let us know” Those words were enough to send me on a thinking spree.

Could the Lord be saying something? Maybe Eruwa was just a test after all? Maybe my season in Eruwa is over at last. This was after my second year in ministry.

To make matters a bit interesting, there were people in my life who also thought it was a great move- a better offer, a great church, life in the city and all.

There are moments in life that you are going to have great offers like the one Ahab gave to Naboth. Naboth had a vineyard that Ahab wanted.

Ahab told Naboth, “Since your vineyard is so convenient to my palace, I would like to buy it to use as a vegetable garden. I will give you a better vineyard in exchange, or if you prefer, I will pay you for it.”

Did you see that, “I want to buy your vineyard and turn it to a vegetable garden. I will pay you very well for it”.

But I love the response of Naboth. He said to Ahab, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance that was passed down by my ancestors.”

I love Naboth. “No matter how great your offer is, the Lord forbid that I sell legacy for money”. Legacy is more important than money. There are decisions you will never take if you think of legacy.

He has a huge cash flow. He does not know the Lord yet he wants a god fearing lady like you. The Lord forbid.

You are trusting God for your dreams to come to pass. Mrs. Potiphar wants to invest in your new start-up but you have to be servicing her lust. The Lord forbid.

You are becoming a big brand with invitations pouring in but your spiritual growth is already endangered. You now skip meetings that edify you. You do not have time to sit and learn from your pastors again. The Lord forbid.

You got a new job with higher pay. Your family is at risk. You do not have the time to love your wife or raise your seeds. The Lord forbid.

There are offers that can convert vineyards of legacy to vegetables of convenience.

Can you imagine Naboth walking by the vineyard he sold and his fathers labours five months after and all the trees are uprooted and replaced with vegetables?

There are people looking back at decisions they made and they know that they sold vineyards of legacy for vegetables of convenience.

What is your take- Vineyard or Vegetables?

There is love in sharing

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