There was no power supply for 6 years in town. Our Television had spoilt and Dad did not repair it. As kids, we watched TV with neighbours most times. But the story changed in 2002. We told Dad that we desire to watch the World Cup (Korea/Japan) at home on our own TV set.

Dad bought a 14′ inches Samsung TV. We had a swell time at home. We did not have to go elsewhere.

Friends, there is a season of life where you can survive on another’s revelation of God, His will and His ways. That is fine.

But there must come a season when you have a personal revelation of who God is.

If at this level, you are still running around dropping names for “prophets” so you can know who to marry, you need a personal revelation of God by growing up.

For how long would you define God through the television screen of your neighbours?

There was a moment in the journey of Jesus and the disciples that He had to ask them two questions that means a lot to our journey also today:

The first question was “Who do people say I am?” There is a time in our journey that we see God through what our parents taught at family devotion, teachers at Sunday School and Pastors in Church Meetings.

But the essence of all that is to point you to such a moment that you would not depart from the way. Parents, Teachers and Pastors can show you the way but you need to find the cross yourself and carry it. They cannot do that for you.

The second question is: “Who do you say I am?”. You cannot stay on “Pastor Said” alone. You cannot just stick with “This devotional this morning…” There is a moment when the pages of the Word must become the desire of your heart.

Acquired Revelations has its limits. But a personal revelation will keep you through the lion’s den like Daniel, the fiery furnace like the Hebrew boys and the battlefield with a giant like David.

Talk to God today and tell Him, “I want to know you for who you are” Dig into the Word.
There is no sweeter experience than knowing God personally.

This is what Prophet Hosea said:

Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us…”
Hosea 6:3 NLT

Acquired insight is a good start but press in to know the Lord also.

There is love in sharing

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