When it was time to wean my daughter, we thought it was going to be a simple thing like, “Baby, you will not have breast milk again”.

But it was not so. We had to use different methods and my daughter protested but we stayed the course. We probably looked wicked

But we thought it was just going to be painful for Danielle not knowing it was going to be painful for Mummy too.

Mummy also went through pains and there were days she felt like getting Danielle to still take some milk. But she had to endure also.

What is the point?

Both the mother and the child went through the pain of getting the child to a new place and maturity.

One of the toughest things your pastors, mentors and teachers have to do at times is confrontation and correction.

At times, rather than tell you that “Brother Wole, you cannot be sleeping over in a sister’s house”, he will try hard to make you see it. Leadership also takes courage.

But a good teacher is not one that keeps overlooking your wrongs but the one that calls you out and demand that you grow up. It is tough too.

Both the coach and the players go through the pain of training. When he gives a time, he also has to be there before that time- you both go through it.

Do not focus just on your pains. Do not get fixated just on your own convenience and comfort. While you scream from the pains of growth, know that they are are going through the same pains also.

It is so easy not to rock the boat.

However, be grateful when the Lord has blessed you with mentors who are as bold as John The Baptist yet as wise as Prophet Nathan.

If you do not have people to train and confront you, challenging you to leave the milk and go for the meat, you will not grow.

Honour your parents! You will not understand the pains of some of their “NO” to you till you become a parent too- weaning takes two!

Honour your pastors! Before they could raise that issue of your short comings with you, they spent time thinking of how best to get you to understand- weaning takes two.

Before you scream that your teachers are too hard, rememeber that they are going through the pains also.

The shepherd is never far from the sheep!

Who do you have to tell Thank you today that you thought was just being wicked while they trained you?

Temiloluwa Ola
[6:06 AM, 4/11/2019] Pastor Temmy: WEANING PAINS

When it was time to wean my daughter, we thought it was going to be a simple thing like, “Baby, you will not have breast milk again”.

But it was not so. We had to use different methods and my daughter protested but we stayed the course. We probably looked wicked

But we thought it was just going to be painful for Danielle not knowing it was going to be painful for Mummy too.

Mummy also went through pains and there were days she felt like getting Danielle to still take some milk. But she had to endure also.

What is the point?

Both the mother and the child went through the pain of getting the child to a new plase and maturity.

One of the toughest things your pastors, mentors and teachers have to do at times is confrontation and correction.

At times, rather than tell you that “Brother Wole, you cannot be sleeping over in a sister’s house”, he will try hard to make you see it. Leadership also takes courage.

But a good teacher is not one that keeps overlooking your wrongs but the one that calls you out and demand that you grow up. It is tough too.

Both the coach and the players go through the pain of training. When he gives a time, he also has to be there before that time- you both go through it.

Do not focus just on your pains. Do not get fixated just on your own convenience and comfort. While you scream from the pains of growth, know that they are are going through the same pains also.

It is so easy not to rock the boat.

However, be grateful when the Lord has blessed you with mentors who are as bold as John The Baptist yet as wise as Prophet Nathan.

If you do not have people to train and confront you, challenging you to leave the milk and go for the meat, you will not grow.

Honour your parents! You will not understand the pains of some of their “NO” to you till you become a parent too- weaning takes two!

Honour your pastors! Before they could raise that issue of your short comings with you, they spent time thinking of how best to get you to understand- weaning takes two.

Before you scream that your teachers are too hard, rememeber that they are going through the pains also.

The shepherd is never far from the sheep!

Who do you have to tell Thank you today that you thought was just being wicked while they trained you?

There is love in sharing

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