About four years ago, I was attending the ministers’ seminar of my spiritual father’s annual convention. The morning sessions were just amazing. As we stepped out of the auditorium one of the mornings, Bishop spotted me and said, “Son, wait to see me”.

I went ahead to the waiting hall of the Ministry’s Secretariat and I waited. I waited for about two hours and a little more. While I waited, I got a small gift to say “Thank You” for His love and the gift of access. His secretary came in after a while and asked, “Are you Pastor Temi?”. I replied in the affirmative. She said to me, “Bishop said you can leave. He will see you later”.

That was tough but did I get annoyed? Not a bit! I brought out the gift and sent it to him with kind words that I know it is a hectic season and the Lord remains his strength. I was grateful that he could place such a demand on me in the midst of a tight schedule. I am not half as busy as he is!

Friends, submission is not tested until you have a reason to disagree. Honour is not just mouth professed, it is heart expressed. Honour flows from the heart.

Men who are willing to sit for hours with a movie or football match will complain if they have to wait for an hour to see a teacher. If you value pleasure more than instructions, you will have nothing of value to bless your generation with or pass on to the next generation.

Submission is about our attitude. There is a difference between obedience and submission. You can obey and yet you are not submissive. Do you remember how you obey your parents under pressure while your heart is saying something else?

A lot of people act out obedience but they are actually not submissive. They will sing in the choir but their bad attitude is louder than the music itself. They come to the prayer meeting because they do not want the Pastor to talk. You can be saying “Yes” to your boss at work yet calling him names in your mind.

Submission does not come cheap. It comes rooted in an understanding that God wants us to honour authority.

A dear father called for one of his men (a wealthy man) some years ago. He told him, “Let us see by 5 on Sunday”. When he got to the church by a few minutes to 6 am, he met this man waiting for him.

He was shocked and said, “Sir, what are you doing here sir? Is all well?” The man replied that “You did not mention whether it was 5 am or 5 pm sir. I know you are always in church on Sundays around 5 am also. I would rather come for 5 am and discover that it is 5 pm than come for 5 pm and discover that it is 5 am?” He provoked the blessing of a prophet. What a heart!

Attitude is from the heart. God looks at the heart. If you are serving whether in your office, home or church with the wrong attitude, it is better you repent.

Submission loves correction. Submission is teachable. Submission says, “It is not my will but your will be done” both to the Lord and to those God has placed with godly authority over us.

You can disagree with a heart that is submissive. Submission is not servitude. It is simply about your attitude even when you do not agree. It is a heart matter.

If you keep saying yes with the wrong attitude, one day you will be pushed to the proverbial wall and you will spill out everything that is hidden. You will say things like, “Are you paying me?” Or “Do I look like a small boy to you?” Or “It is my life. Let me live it” or “I also have things to attend to”.

Submission is not tested until there is a reason to disagree. Submission is about your heart. Obedience is about action. You may obey yet with the wrong heart! Watch your heart.

There is love in sharing

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