It was on the first of January, we wanted to have some chicken barbecue. We stopped by to buy charcoal.

When I stepped out of the car to pick up two bags of charcoal of 50 naira each, I saw the very elderly woman who was selling.

It struck me that I must give something. I found a crisp 1000 naira note and told the person there to give to her.

The elderly woman said, “But I do not know you”. I responded delightfully, “Mama, you dont have to know me”.

She gave me an extra bag of charcoal. What a heart! I was so grateful.

I know it is a season of a lot of pressures for many folks- bills are rolling in and income may be low but trust me:

It is the season and not your person. The season must not change your person- love in and out of season, speak a kind word in and out of season, be patient in and out of season.

Do not get touchy and edgy because your account is low. That is not the believer’s approach. Your mood is not tied to the sound of alert! There is already an alert in your spirit credited to your account and it is highly spendable.

Abraham was hospitable to strangers which turned out to be a divine visit that changed everything.

Do not conclude on that person that spoke harshly- please reach out and check on them especially if they do not sound that way on a normal day.

In famine, do not lose relationships. Isaac went to Abimelech at Gerar. Relationships are valuable.

In tough seasons, be fruitful- love is not season based! Patience is a must. Joy must be on overflow. Peace. Calmness. And the storm will pass. Kindness- go the extra mile when it is toughest to do so!

You are a believer. You are a fruitful tree.

Be calm. Show love. Kill the tension. May the season not redefine who you are.

There is love in sharing

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