Back in our days in the University (Obafemi Awolowo University), you could get to walk from the hostel to your classrooms under the shade of trees that protect you from sunlight most of the way.

Well! One thing you must beware of were the numerous bats and their tendency to release some discharge on you before you get to your destination.

In life also, we are on a journey. On this journey we need to be protected from the biting sun also and equally the threat of bats staining you.

God has blessed us with the covering of His favour. He has promised to be our present help in the times of trouble.

On this journey, we would have to know how to handle the bats of gossip, slander, costly assumptions, deceptions of the devil.

God has also blessed us with the trees of great relationships- The Local Church is one of God’s finest blessings ever.

The church is a huge tree that protects. The church gives us room to learn and grow both our spirit and our skills.

We fail in church and we are encouraged to do better. We fail at work and we may get a sack letter.

The church gives us a place of equipping. Even when our work drains us, the church can be the tree that refreshes us.

The church gives us a place for accountability also. When people say “How are you?” at work, they may not wait to get an answer. But it must never be so in church. Our “How are you?” must be “How are you?” The church must be a tree.

The hug of a brother must paralyse suicidal thoughts. The smiles of an usher must wipe away worries. The handshake of a friend could at times pay for the meal of one day.

There are trees on our journey in life. There may be bats in church at times- people who hurt you and at times offend you but focus on the gift of the tree than the limitations of the people therein.

Give your best to the church. Go early. Listen attentively. Dont wait for a smile. You share yours first.

We call it service not because we are consumers but because we go therein to serve God our best and show men we love and care indeed.

Thank God for the trees!

There is love in sharing

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