On the day he responded to the call to give His life to Christ, he was the only one who came to the altar. A fellowship had invested so much to assemble a meeting, but only one soul responded. 

I imagine them telling themselves they could have done better in an appraisal meeting. Maybe they even expected more! But it was just one soul. 

But that soul used to be a sinner per excellence- he had been in crimes since a tender age! It was never a wasted effort. Today, that soul has raised many to the Lord and won many souls to Christ directly and by proxy! 

Never drop the standard of what the Lord has asked you to do because you see less than you could have expected in the physical. You can print fliers for a meeting, lead the distribution, and expect 500 people, but only 15 show up. Those fifteen souls are priceless. 

Listen, Doctor Luke, the writer of the book of Luke and the Acts of the Apostle, wrote to just one man called Theophilus. 

With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Luke 1:3-4 NIV

He was just doing a thorough job of giving an account to one person. He even did a sequel again: 

In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach

Acts 1:1 NIV

He wrote to one person! But the Lord knew that faithfulness with that person was the link to billions of souls. Today, we read the book of Luke and Acts. He was writing to Theophilus, but God was writing to a generation he would never see. It was more than a Theophilus assignment. 

You may be the only choir member in that new work- do it to Theophilus! 

In an outreach, it may be just ten persons under that shed- do it to Theophilus.

You may be tempted to drop the standard of preparation because you think it is not worth your effort; please do it to Theophilus. 

If Dr. Luke decided to do shabby work, billions would not be blessed today in any form. Do not wait for a big opportunity. Steward well and properly the small ones you have. 

Do not be discouraged when the assignment is to just one person. It can be the bridge to billions in a generation you will not see, but you will touch. 

Dear children’s teacher, you are not there to just keep them occupied. Theophilus is in that class. Be the Luke. 

Dear music minister, let the passion be stronger and effort better the day those instrumentalists or vocalists refuse to show up for rehearsals. Do it to the Lord.

That can be your Gospel according to Luke and your Acts of the Apostles! 

What will happen to a billion if you are not faithful to one? 

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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