The night I proposed to my beloved wife and she told me “No” with quite some reasons. As the reasons began to roll in, I perceived God speaking to me:
“I have placed my daughter in your hands because I know you will not break her again”.
God hinted me about things that she would do and become. I am not just to be a husband, I am a trustee.
Friends, give your wife the wings to fly. Every time you clip those wings, you limit your own flight also.
If she did not marry you, there is still a destiny that she would fulfill. Let marriage become a springboard for her and not a burial ground.
There is nothing as powerful as an unleashed woman- she can build a business, run an office, support in ministry and still do great meals both in the kitchen and in the bedroom.
A fulfilled woman is a blessing. A trapped woman will frustrate you!
You must not be a dictator. Be her spiritual head. Be a priest. Guide her. Nurture her. Groom her. Is that not why you are called “Bridegroom”?
There are days you will have to drive her to that meeting- enjoy it! Listen to her. Be her greatest cheerleader.
When she is stepping out, pull her back, give her a kiss and tell her she is a strong woman. Tell her how much you admire her courage.
If you reduce all she does to kitchen and bed, you just placed a limit on how high you can soar.
Dear husband, you took a plant from a vineyard and planted it in yours because it was all green and well nurtured.
After transplanting, make sure you keep wetting it even though it looks like the leaves are withering. It is the transition phase.
Water it with prayers and words in the morning. Water it with love in the evening. Do not water it when the sun is at the peak (do not wait till crisis comes to show love. You are late. The plant can die).
Why must this plant die in your own ground? You are a gardener. Get your watering can.
Pull your wife today and tell her, “I will do my best to see you blossom. I will be your priest that prays for you and your friend that listens to your concerns and yet be a guide that leads the way. We are in this all the way. I want to see that greatness emerge”.
Does that sound good? Then do it.