A beloved one brought the lady he intended to marry. When she visited, we had some great time of interactions but I honestly did not hold back on sharing with her about the burdens of marrying a young man in ministry, especially in the location we were.
All we knew was that she disappeared after the visit. When she would resurface later, we only heard the news that she had given birth. We realized that she was already pregnant by the time she visited. If the young man had been tempted to sleep with her, he would have been deceived into marriage and would have been derailed from the call of God upon His life.
A young man ran to a father in the faith to confess that he had been in the trap of fornication. He was a believer on fire for the Lord. The father in the faith asked him a simple question, “Who initiates the act?” The young man said he did.
The discerning father sends for the lady and asks the same question. The lady said, “I do. Before I leave my place, I speak words and make up my mind that he must sleep with me. I initiate the act and every time we are done fornicating, I look at him and taunt him saying, ‘Man of God'”.
The night my Irewamiri told me “No”, the Lord revealed to me who she is and His plans for her. It was so clear that eventually when I began to share what the Lord said with Irewamiri, she cried in brokenness.
If you are a child of God, you must be discerning. Have you discerned who this person is? Kindly note that you do not just discern wrong things. You discern a good and godly person also.
For instance, Jesus discerned Nathaniel. He called him a man without any guile: Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:47 KJV
You can perceive and pick the spirit of a man whether it is godly or evil. The spirit of discernment is for direction and our protection. Before you invest in a relationship that can lead to a loss in life and destiny, make sure you discern.
There was a young girl who kept following Paul and Silas in Phillipi. Paul loses his peace about her even though she seems to be declaring the truth. One day, he turned and rebuked the spirit in her by the name of Jesus Christ.
Look closely at what the Bible says:
And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.
Acts 16:18 NKJV
Did you see that “He” came out of “Her”? If you are not discerning, you may be marrying “he” and not “her”. Do not be deceived.
One prayer you must not take for granted before you commit to anyone in marriage is: ” Lord, reveal _______ to me. Beyond the flesh, show me who he or she is”. There is a greater understanding when you know who he or she is through the eyes of the Spirit.
Do you know your spouse?
Do you know him?
Have you discerned her?