In the space of two weeks, we had argued about almost everything. Little things will bring sparks. I spent a while meditating on what the challenge might be.

After one of such disagreements, I gently sought the audience of my wife and told her, “Darling, I noticed that it has been an overwhelming season for you- things have gone so busy”.

I told her, “That is why I wanted us to spend some time out. You are too tired these days to pray and take your regular retreats. Can I be of help?”

Dear young wife, the work you do is enormous- domestic chores, a crying baby, a boss to please, the church can be there and yet a husband that will at times not understand you.

I do not want you to joke with your time in prayer. Do you realise how you have that extra spring in your steps when you are rooted in your devotion?

You seem to have a unique strength to take on things and overlook others.

That is why I want you to regularly plan a personal retreat and not joke with your daily prayer time.

Little things cause big issues for people who do not draw strength in prayer.

Your husband is not the source of your joy. It is too heavy a burden to place on him.

You had joy before you married him. Let God be and remain that source for you. It works better that way.

Conversations will be better when you are not mentally stressed. Even the meals are sweeter. You will not snap at the baby that does not understand you, and did I say something about better sexual fulfilment too?

Find rest in God. That changes the story.

I pray you strength in your inner man. Your schedule will not replace your commitment to divine communion. You are full of joy!

There is love in sharing